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Sydney Hunter Collection





Sydney Hunter Collection 


I am thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Sydney Hunter Collection cartridge on the Evercade systems. There are four games on Sydney Hunter Collection. The four games are Sydney Hunter and the Shrines of Peril, Sydney Hunter and The Sacred Tribe, Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death, and Jester. These are four retro video games.

Sydney Hunter and the Shrines of Peril is a game that was recently made for the Intellivision. Sydney Hunter and the Sacred Tribe and Jester are 8-bit video games. Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death is a 16-bit video game. Three of the games on the Sydney Hunter Collection are Sydney Hunter video games. Jester is a completely different video game that does not really seem to fit this compilation in my opinion. The three Sydney Hunter video games are 2D side scrollers. Jester is this maze video game where we must be fast to get through before we run out of things like light.

My initial reaction to Sydney Hunter Collection was very negative. I spent some time live streaming Sydney Hunter Collection on our Rumble channel and these games wound up growing on me. There are some control issues and confusion within Sydney Hunter Collection. Some of the enemies can be difficult to see in Sydney Hunter Collection as well. There is some violent content within Sydney Hunter Collection as well. False gods are also a part of the Sydney Hunter Collection video game.

The treasure hunter nature of Sydney Hunter Collection reminds me of Indiana Jones. Sydney Hunter and the Caverns of Death is my favorite video game in the Sydney Hunter Collection. Collision detection is a bit questionable in some of the games on the Sydney Hunter Collection cartridge. I like how the manual explains a bit about these games and the developer. I wanted to like Jester so bad in Sydney Hunter Collection.

Sydney Hunter Collection reminds me of how many newer video games can be made done on retro systems. There is plenty of life left on these older systems. Even if they are not perfect.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Gameplay: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: CollectorVision Games
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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