Appreciate Month
Cordova, TN; June 1, in the year of our Lord 2023
-- Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the
family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of
diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. There have
been readers and viewers over the months that asked us about a
good time to send over donations. When is it a good time to help
out. The answer has always been whenever you can. We always have
financial needs. We are not brow beating anyone. We are not
guilting tripping Family Friendly Gaming Universe. We do not run
give-a-thons. We do not stop all normal productions to beg for
money for weeks. Ultimately we are very low pressure.
We looked over the calendar and there is always something going
on. We did not see much going on for families in the month of
June though. So we thought it might be a good idea to give you a
whole month to show your appreciation of all the wonderful work
Family Friendly Gaming has done over the decades. We hope you
choose to participate. We must work day jobs to pay the bills to
keep things going at Family Friendly Gaming. Being able to do
this job full time would be so wonderful. Hopefully you will
prayerfully consider assisting us.
We have tried Patreon and it failed us. We tried KOFI and it
failed us. We are really hoping that this appreciation month for
Family Friendly Gaming does not fail us. Some days I am barely
able to walk, see or sleep because I am so exhausted from
helping so many other people. We have gone to bat for you. We
need you to go to bat for us now please. Step up there and hit a
home run. We appreciate each and every one of ya'll.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming
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