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Piko Interactive Collection 4





Piko Interactive Collection 4 


I am thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Piko Interactive Collection 4 cartridge on the Evercade systems. There are ten retro video games on the Piko Interactive Collection 4 cartridge that range from the 8-bit to 64-bit systems. In fact Piko Interactive Collection 4 is the first Evercade to make it to the 64-bit emulation level so that is kind of exciting.

The ten games on the Piko Interactive Collection 4 cartridge are Glover, Risky Woods, Zero Tolerance Underground, Skuljagger Revolt of the Westicons, Street Racer, Target Renegade, Bad Street Brawler, Mermaids of Atlantis, Star X, and The Fidgetts. We have one 3D platformer, three 2D side scroller, one first person shooter, one puzzle game, one racing game, one flight simulator, and two beat em up games in Piko Interactive Collection 4.

I liked the kart racing video game Street Racer in Piko Interactive Collection 4. I did not like the controls in Glover, I went and bought Glover on the Nintendo 64 and found it controlled better with that control scheme than on Evercade. Zero Tolerance Underground had not been released previously. After playing it I an see why. There is no reason for this game and the other Zero Tolerance game.

Speaking of questionable controls there are a lot of irritations in Skuljagger Revolt of the Westicans. I love retro games that have enemies respawn and force the player to take hits. Especially when you can only take so many hits before you respawn or must play the level all over again. Such a pleasant experience. There are a reason some of these games were lost to history.

The Fidgetts annoyed me to no end. I could not figure out how to do much in this Gameboy video game. Star X is a Starfox clone that is not that great. Why do so many shooters have such a bad image for being nearly impossible to defeat? Star X on the Piko Interactive Collection 4 cartridge fits into that category. Bad Street Brawler and Target Renegade are beyond forgettable for me.
- Paul


Graphics: 55%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 56%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Piko Interactive
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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