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Piko Interactive Arcade 1





Piko Interactive Arcade 1 


I am very thankful I had all of the money to be able to purchase a copy of the Piko Interactive Arcade 1 on the Evercade systems. I live streamed all nine games on Rumble and we will get videos of each of the games onto our video sites when time and financial resources allow. The games on the Piko Interactive Arcade 1 cartridge are Dragon Master, Steel Force, Master’s Fury, Burglar X, Diver Boy, Magic Purple, Fancy World Earth of Crisis, The Legend of Silkroad, and Ultimate Tennis.

Piko Interactive Arcade 1 provides us with two fighters, two platformers, one beat em up, two action games, one maze game, and one sports game. Ultimate Tennis is the stand out title in Piko Interactive Arcade 1 for me. I had fun playing that sports video game. Winning is always fun for me if you catch my drift.

There are three original developers of the games within Piko Interactive Arcade 1. Those developers are Unico, Art & Magic, and Electronic Devices Italy. Piko Interactive is on a mission to save, restore, and get physical copies of retro games so they are not lost to history. Some of these games feel like cheap knock offs of other well known titles. For example The Legend of Silkroad is a cheap and smaller knock off of Final Fight. The manual for Piko Interactive Arcade 1 is very important if you want to know how to do the moves in the 2D fighting games.

Fancy World Earth of Crisis and Magic Purple are very similar games. We are on screens that scroll sometimes and must punch or shoot all the enemies to progress to the next screen. Think Bubble Bobble but a bit more violent. Burglar X is the strangest game on the Piko Interactive Arcade 1 cartridge. We collect items and avoid or dispose of enemies. There are also bosses to take out. Diver Boy is what is sounds like. We must dive down and collect items and get back to the surface to leave. I found Diver Boy to be extremely challenging. Piko Interactive Arcade 1 is a nice rounded out compilation of arcade games. I had not heard of the games on this collection.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Piko Interactive
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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