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Moving Out 2





Moving Out 2 


I had quite a bit of fun live streaming Moving Out 2 on the official Family Friendly Gaming YouTube channel. There were also moments of frustration playing Moving Out 2. I really like the different things we do while playing Moving Out 2. One level we are moving furniture from the rooms to a specific spot. Another level we are launching objects to hit other objects going left and right. Then we must put certain items on conveyor belts while they are being launched at us.

Moving Out 2 does contain some crude humor like the whole F.A.R.Tastic content. I think the developer was trying to be cute and funny. I am sure the immature content is appreciated by those that find those kinds of things funny. I felt it was appropriate to point out this content in case your family is offended. At Family Friendly Gaming we prefer to share potential issues. In case you wondered that acrynm stands for Furniture Arrangement & Relocation Technician.

We are given a timer on the levels within Moving Out 2. We must get so much furniture moved, or get so many items in the right places to be able to progress to the next level. There are five areas in Moving Out 2 that we drive around. In total there are fifty-seven levels within Moving Out 2. We can complete the primary and optional objectives in each of those levels in Moving Out 2. Some of the levels take practice depending on what obstacles are in your way. For example we may need to put items on a pulley and then move them across. We can fall and will respawn pretty quickly in Moving Out 2.

The level design in Moving Out 2 gets wild later on. I found odd levels like moving a piece of furniture through an area where balls were trying to squash me and the furniture. Thankfully there are respawn points for my character and the furniture along the way. The music within Moving Out 2 is fun to listen to. The graphics look decent in Moving Out 2 as well.

All in all I had some fun with Moving Out 2. I learned new concepts and struggled with some of the levels along the way. I wish there was an easier mode in Moving Out 2 personally. Families shoud enjoy Moving Out 2.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 77%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X
Publisher: Team17
Developer: SMG Studio
Rating: ‘E’ - SIX and OLDER ONLY {Crude Humor}

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