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Indie Heroes Collection 3





Indie Heroes Collection 3 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Indie Heroes Collection 3 cartridge on that Evercade family of systems. There are thirteen games on this collection. The games on Indie Heroes Collection 3 are Donut Dodo, Thunder Paw, Alien Cat 2 Enhanced Edition, Bone Marrow, Big2Small, Magic & Legend Time Knights, Doodle World Redrawn, The Little Tales of Alexandria, Orebody Binders Tale, Bubble Seahorse Adventures, Chew Chew Mimic, Skate Cat, and Chibi Monster Br4wl. There are eight and sixteen bit titles. They are all newly made retro video games from the indie community.

Indie Heroes Collection 3 is the thirty-seventh cartridge title in the main line releases on the Evercade. Some of the titles on the Indie Heroes Collection 3 cartridge are more stand out than others. Bone Marrow and Donut Dodo stick out for me personally. I have played some of these games on other systems in the past like Thunder Paw, and Alien Cat 2. To be fair Alien Cat 2 is an enhanced edition. The original Alien Cat 2 was released on the first indie heroes collection on the Evercade. I liked it but the Enhanced Edition does not look any better, or sound any better. A lot of rehash to get to any new content in my professional opinion. Donut Dodo feels like an arcade title.

There are multiple puzzle games on the Indie Heroes Collection 3 cartridge which should please a lot of families. I found Big2Small to be extremely challenging. Some other words I would use are frustrating and confusing. Doodle World Redrawn is pretty solid and a great idea for a video game. The Little Tales of Alexandria is plain creepy. The Gameboy color schemes certainly help with that content. Chibi Monster Br4wl is like an 8-bit NES Smash Bros kind of a title. The idea is interesting, although I had seen it before.

Bubble Seahorse Adventures, and Skate Cat have some control issues that annoyed me to no end. There are frustrations there that did not need to be. Orebody Binder’s Tale has a cool and interesting storyline but a real strong challenge in terms of difficulty. Chew Chew Mimic is a fun puzzle game done in the retro style. Overall I enjoyed this cartridge.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: pixel games, PSCD Games, Repa Games, HugePixel, MDSteele, The Retro Room, Legendary Monkey Magic, Nate and Araceli Peters, MrE, The Olde Battleaxe, John Vanderhoef, Lowtek Games, Rigg’d Games, SJ Games, Dale Coop Studio
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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