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Pokemon Legends Arceus 


I am very thankful we had the money to purchase Pokemon Legends Arceus on the Nintendo Switch. Peter actually spent way more time than me playing Pokemon Legends Arceus. I did perform the live streams of Pokemon Legends Arceus and could see what he told me. There are some really cool and neat things within Pokemon Legends Arceus. We can craft balls, potions, and more in Pokemon Legends Arceus. We find resources as we explore the open world areas. Pokemon Legends Arceus is still a single player game.

In order to get to different areas in Pokemon Legends Arceus we must rank up. We rank up by performing certain chores with and on the Pokemon. For example we need to catch three, six, twelve, and then twenty-five of the same Pokemon. We need to do something similar with catching them and not being seen. The same goes for battling them. Then there are missions like have the Pokemon use a certain move on you. We have no control over when it will use Poison Sting. This kind of grinding gets annoying really fast.

The issues families will have with Pokemon Legends Arceus are violence, false gods, and more. The Arceus Pokemon is supposed to be like God. In fact he sends the player into the region to meet all the Pokemon. Camps are built along the way so we can easily start at different locales in this vast world. Different Pokeballs respond differently. A heavy ball for example does not go very far. It is really hard to sneak up on an Alpha Pokemon and catch him or her with a heavy ball. This can lead to some frustration. Expect to progress very slowly in this game. Which is lame considering the vast world.

Evolution is a part of Pokemon Legends Arceus as well. The Pokemon will be lit up when the player can evolve them into another Pokemon. As we rank up we can control Pokemon with a higher level. Whether we battle or catch Pokemon we will slowly be leveling up our Pokemon. The Pokemon we throw at trees and other objects that provide resources will earn a small amount of experience for that task. We report back to the Professor as we battle and catch Pokemon in Pokemon Legends Arceus. We can easily go back to town to swap the Pokemon from our ranch to our party.

All in all I like the direction Game Freak is going with the Pokemon franchise. I love throwing the Pokeballs in Pokemon Legends Arceus. I love seeing the Pokemon. I love how the battling system works. It is neat to see these things in Pokemon Legends Arceus. I am not a big fan of the grinding in terms of catching so many Pokemon. I really do not see the point in catching twenty-five of any Pokemon. Some of the content issues will obviously never be addressed which is a shame since I know families that will never play a Pokemon video game due to these issues.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Game Freak
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}

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