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Morphcat Games Collection 1





Morphcat Games Collection 1 


I am so thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Morphcat Games Collection 1. The cover of Morphcat Games Collection 1 claims to have three games, and two bonuses. At first I wondered why it was not described as five games. I figured that out pretty quickly after playing the five items within Morphcat Games Collection 1. These are newly made retro video games - an idea we have discussed here at Family Friendly Gaming for decades.

The games on the Morphcat Games Collection 1 cartridge are Micro Mages, Bobl, and Spacegulls. The two bonus games are Super Bat Puncher Demo, and Micro Mages Second Quest. So the bonuses consist of one demo and one standalone expansion. That is why Morphcat Games Collection 1 does not claim to have five different games within it. Two of them are not really full games.

All of the games on the Morphcat Games Collection 1 cartridge are done in the 8-bit style. These are newly released video games done in the retro style. I will be completely blunt about Morphcat Games Collection 1. There is not much on this cartridge that excites or interests me. I just love giving physical copies attention and have been collecting all of the Evercade cartridges. The good ones, the bad ones, and the ugly ones. Morphcat Games Collection 1 is small compared to a lot of the other cartridges.

What is cool about Morphcat Games Collection 1 is the interesting ideas. Take Bobl for example. We are a bubble that is fine in the water. We cannot touch normal tiles. This game can be extremely challenging thanks to its controls and physics. Four family members can enjoy the Micromages games if they use an Evercade VS system. There is some violent content within Morphcat Games Collection 1.

Some of Morphcat Games Collection 1 feels like app ideas were put into 8-bit video games. There are mild tweaks here and there. If you like quirky retro indie video games then you might like Morphcat Games Collection 1. It did not really impress me that much personally. I am happy this little company was given an opportunity to get a physical copy. I hope more get this opportunity. Like Wisdom Tree for example. They need an Evercade cartridge.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Morphcat Games
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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