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Gaelco Arcade 1





Gaelco Arcade 1 


I am extremely thankful I had the money to purchase the Gaelco Arcade 1 cartridge on the Evercade systems. I think some of the games on Gaelco Arcade 1 will be even better on the Evercade EXP in that TATE mode. There are six games on the Gaelco Arcade 1 cartridge. The six games on this cartridge are Alligator Hunt, Thunder Hoop, World Rally, Biomechanical Toy, Glass, and Snow Board Championship. There are two shooting games, two sports games, one puzzle, and one platformer. The platformer seems a bit odd for arcades in my opinion.

Gaelco Arcade 1 taught me some things as well. I had never heard of Gaelco before. I may have played some of their games and forgotten the company entirely. I also did not know that Piko Interactive bought out the rights to their arcade video games. For me Gaelco Arcade 1 is a very educational experience. The only two games within Gaelco Arcade 1 that seem vaguely familiar are World Rally and Snow Board Championship.

The issues families will have with Gaelco Arcade 1 are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Glass surprised me. There is a boys mode or a girls mode. The goal of the worlds is to clear these tiles and then get a picture. I did some research and found that Glass in the arcades had nude women. In boys mode on the Evercade version there are cat drawings, and in girls mode there are silhouettes of women. I did some additional research and found that Blaze Entertainment kept the nudity out of their version of the game.

Biomechanical Toy reminds me of Sega Saturn video games. The art style, graphics, characters and more just screams that kind of a video game. I learned to take it slow and steady in Gaelco Arcade 1. The select button on the Evercade is used to add credits in all of the games on the Gaelco Arcade 1 cartridge. World Rally is very forgiving to the players. I really enjoyed racing those tracks and seeing those graphics.

Snow Board Championship is a fun snowboarding video game that everyone in the family can enjoy. The gameplay in Glass is actually a lot of fun. Thunder Hoop and Biomechanical Toy both have platformer elements even though Biomechanical Toy is all about shooting the enemies. Alligator Hunt is also about shooting the enemies that come right at the character. I am absolutely loving being able to play arcade video games on the hand held and home console.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Piko Interactive
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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