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Super Kiwi 64 


One of the coolest things about Family Friendly Gaming is we discuss all kinds of different topics in our FFG Original news articles, magazines, e-magazines, and of course our reviews. Newly made video games done in retro styles is something we have encouraged since 2005. Super Kiwi 64 is one of those kinds of video games. You might be able to guess that Super Kiwi 64 is done in the Nintendo 64 visual and audio style. Super Kiwi 64 can be found on the PC and Nintendo Switch.

Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Super Kiwi 64 on the Nintendo Switch for this review. We play a little bird in eight different levels. There are eight gems per level bringing the total to 48. I was able to get 47 of them in around an hour to an hour and a half. The last one I know what to do but could not seem to get it working properly. Once you get forty gems a dog will take you for a plane ride. That plane ride is the end credits scene. There is a drain that can be entered if you find all 48 of the gems. I was not able to access that part.

Super Kiwi 64 looks and sounds like a Nintendo 64 video game. I wish there was a physical cartridge of Super Kiwi 64 personally. That would be so cool. The camera rotation was so slow. Then I went into the options and found I could adjust that and make it better. Then Super Kiwi 64 was much more playable. There are enemies in Super Kiwi 64 that we can spin dash into and destroy. We can also ignore them. In fact there is no bonus or benefit to attacking them. There are also very few of them.

We collect gears, and go through rings in Super Kiwi 64. There are also targets to smash in Super Kiwi 64. I had to figure out the moves in Super Kiwi 64. The spin dash will allow you to stick that bird’s beak into many of the walls. Then jump and do it again to climb up the walls of many of the structures within Super Kiwi 64. Once I learned that skill I was off to the races in climbing buildings. The eight levels in Super Kiwi 64 have different themes. The music is fun to listen to in Super Kiwi 64.

Super Kiwi 64 is a short experience that I really enjoyed. It is neat to see games like Super Kiwi 64 being developed, published, and released. I would also really love to see this game reach the physical copy realm. Maybe on the Evercade for example. There I go helping others make all kinds of money that will never be shared with me. The end of Super Kiwi 64 references there will be another game. Maybe after there are two of these games have them release on a physical copy format.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 85%
Replay: 70%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 85%

System: PC/Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Diplodocus Games
Developer: Diplodocus Games
Rating: Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}

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