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STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town





STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town 


Before playing STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town I thought it was going to be sub-par to Harvest Moon One World. Then after live streaming STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town for six episodes I realized I actually like this game better than Harvest Moon One World. Which shocked me actually.

STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town fixes problems from the previous entry. First off mining is a lot better. We also go logging, earn titles, donate fish and pictures of animals and more in STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town. As we mine and log we can get machines to turn the logs into lumber. That lumber is used in quests and repairing objects. Once we have so much lumber we can fix a bridge and get more land to use. We must clear out the trees, rocks, and grass of course.

STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town does have its issues that families need to be made aware of. The harvest sprites, and harvest goddess return to this franchise. It is obvious to me that the video game developer and publisher of this franchise are being totally obtuse and failing to listen to millions of Christian families on that topic. STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town attacks traditional marriage in the most hateful and rebellious manner possible. There is also some mild violence here and there within STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town.

STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town slowly opens like a flower. We start with farming, lumber jacking, mining, and more into making thread, ingots, lumber, and more. There is fishing, cooking, helping out the town folk and more in STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town. Once you start to earn some money STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town really takes off. Tools can be upgraded, new areas can be reached and the town begins to grow. There is always something to do each and every single day.

Taming and taking care of animals in STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town is pretty easy. Once the player reaches certain points tools are unlocked and given. Those tools can easily be upgraded once the preparations are done. The overused story is what gets us started in STORY OF SEASONS Pioneers of Olive Town. After that this game is very solid in the town building aspects. I would like future games in this franchise to please remove the controversial and highly divisive content.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 51%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: XSeed Games
Developer: Marvelous Games
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence}

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