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Interplay Collection 2





Interplay Collection 2 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase Interplay Collection 2 on the Evercade video game system. Interplay Collection 2 contains six video games from the 8-bit to 16-bit eras. The video games within Interplay Collection 2 are Claymates, Earthworm Jim 2, Clay Fighter 2, Prehistorik Man, Rad Gravity, and The Brainies. This is a pretty solid collection of older video games.

We have four action adventure 2D side scrolling video games in Interplay Collection 2. We also have one puzzle video game, and one fighting video game. There are two video games that are based off of Claymaytion characters. Earthworm Jim 2 is probably one of the most recognizable video games inside Interplay Collection 2 that most gamers know about. My personal favorite video game in Interplay Collection 2 is The Brainies. That puzzle video game is so much fun. We have two characters that must get to the exit. So we swap back and forth in terms of controlling them to get them both to their exits.

There is some action adventure violence, and shooting within Interplay Collection 2. There is also some crude humor. Interplay Collection 2 contains some interesting ideas like playing a level upside down, or using a glider to traverse a level. It is neat to see some sequels in Interplay Collection 2 from Interplay Collection 1. I love seeing that in video game compilations. Swapping between characters is done so much better nowadays than was done in The Brainies.

There are some sounds in Interplay Collection 2 that are downright annoying. I am looking directly at Prehistorik Man. Otherwise the music in Interplay Collection 2 is fun to listen to. I enjoyed playing these games. I am eagerly awaiting the Evercade VS system so two family members can compete in games like Clay Fighter 2. Interplay Collection 2 makes me realize that someone could do some retro style sequels to games. It could work for some of the franchises on this cartridge.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Sound: 73%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Interplay
Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

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