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Interplay Collection 1





Interplay Collection 1 


Here we go continuing our exploration of the Evercade cartridges. Interplay Collection 1 is the fourth cartridge in the series. Interplay Collection 1 contains six games from the 8-bit and 16-bit era. The six games on the Interplay Collection 1 cartridge are Clay Fighter, Earthworm Jim, Battle Chess, Boogerman, Incantation, and Titan. We have a 2D fighter, three 2D side scrolling action adventure games, one chess game, and one puzzle game.

Families need to be aware of the content within Interplay Collection 1. The US version does not have an age rating on it, the UK version does have a twelve and older only. Clayfighter is a fighting game, Earthworm Jim has violence and crude humor, Boogerman contains gross humor, Battle Chess has violence, and Incantation contains violence and magic. Titan is the cleanest game in the Interplay Collection 1 for families. I really like Titan too. Hitting the ball to remove all of the blocks is really fun. Being able to move our block all over the screen is what sets Titan aside from Break Out.

The biggest bummer concerning Interplay Collection 1 is not being able to play two players in Clay Fighter. I hope that is resolved in the Evercade VS home system. The same thing goes for Battle Chess. I could make player two a human in Battle Chess but it would not let me use the same hand held. Maybe if there are two hand helds connected it would work. I don’t have two to test that theory.

Titan is the real gem in Interplay Collection 1 for me. I know a lot of gamers will immediately gravitate to Earthworm Jim because it is really well known. Historical gamers can find quite a few interesting games in Interplay Collection 1. I personally remember Clay Fighter from the 16-bit era. Battle Chess is another cult classic video game.

The games within the Interplay Collection 1 cartridge look good for their era. Titan probably looks the worst but it is also one of the oldest games on the Interplay Collection 1. I hope families check out the Interplay Collection 1 on the Evercade.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 68%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Interplay Entertainment
Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

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