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Atari Collection 2





Atari Collection 2 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase the Atari Collection 2 on the Evercade system. There are twenty retro video games on this cartridge. Fourteen Atari 2600 video games, and six Atari 7800 video games. The Atari 2600 games in Atari Collection 2 are Air Sea Battle, Bowling, Dark Chambers, Demons to Diamonds, Haunted House, Human Canonball, Millipede, Radar Lock, Realsports Tennis, Solaris, Sprintmaster, Street Racer, Submarine Commander, Wizard, and Yars’ Revenge. The Atari 7800 games in Atari Collection 2 are Asteroids, Basketbrawl, Centipede, Desert Falcon, and Planet Smashers.

There are plenty of games for families to play and enjoy in Atari Collection 2. This collection also reminds me why the Atari 7800 lost to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Too many of the Atari 7800 video games were minor improvements from the Atari 2600 games. Asteroids and Centipede are a great example. Why pay for those games again because they look and play a bit better? Atari Collection 2 allows me to experience them now. It has been a fun trip down memory lane. Hopefully I will have time to do a live stream of the Atari Collection 2 before this review is published online.

The graphics in Atari Collection 2 range between the two systems. Of course the Atari 2600 video games do not look that great compared to modern day video games. I am actually impressed with how many of the Atari 7800 video games look after all this time. Basketbrawl on the Atari 7800 is very similar to the Atari Lynx version. There are more objects on the screen and it looks better in the Atari 7800 version. Which I would expect.

There are plenty of shooting games within Atari Collection 2. We shoot a plethora of objects in these different video games. Dark Chambers is the closest thing to a platformer in Atari Collection 2. It also has some role playing video game aspects to it. Yar’s’ Revenge really confuses me. I am not always sure of the goal in this video game. There are a couple of racing games, and a couple of sports games. They controlled better than I expected actually.

All in all I enjoyed the Atari Collection 2. Some of these games I played in the past, and some I had not. Which is the whole point of a low priced multi-game cartridge like Atari Collection 2. Some games took a few tries to figure out. Others I went and checked the instructions in the booklet. Human Cannonball is a very interesting idea for a game back in the day. Check out Atari Collection 2.
- Paul


Graphics: 74%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Atari
Rating: ‘12’ - Everyone TWELVE and OLDER ONLY

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