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Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle





Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle on the Nintendo Switch. I am very thankful for that. My research shows Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is a port from the app world. I noticed that the app cost of Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is much cheaper than it is on the Nintendo Switch.

Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is a kids game where there are twenty different scenes to play in. We interact with different objects and characters in each of these scenes. Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is completely touch control based. We hold and swipe along the main screen to find different scenes to interact with. An example would be putting food on the table for three different characters. The big man gets the big piece of meat, the smaller man the small piece of meat, and the lady gets the fruit and vegetables. Once the child completes the right set of interactions the screen will close and go back to the main screen.

Children can also leave a scene if they are bored with trying to solve it. There are more than the right things to do in Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle. Take the getting a knight dressed for example. In that scene there are things like a jesters hat that are not needed. Kids can try it on the knight but that is the wrong thing to put on his head. Instead kids are directed to add the helmet to the knights head. There are some slight animations in Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle. The graphics look okay in Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle. The characters are generally friendly in this video game.

There are a few things parents need to know about in Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle. We feed a horse in a scene and right afterward it goes to the bathroom. Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is one hundred and forty-three megs in terms of download size. The sounds in Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle are pretty decent. I enjoyed how the sounds fit the scene. There is some very mild violent content within Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle.

Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is a decent little kids game where kids can interact with different characters and objects. Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle is larger than some of the other winterworks app to Nintendo Switch video games we have played here at Family Friendly Gaming. Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle definitely shows its app roots. Kids can have fun with Sir Tincan Adventures in the Castle for a few days at the very least.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: winterworks
Developer: winterworks
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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