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Potion Party





Potion Party 


Have you ever played the Overcooked video games? Have you ever thought Overcooked done in the Overcooked franchise would be even better if you were making potions instead of food? If you answered yes to those two questions then Potion Party might be a game for you and your family. In essence I have described what we do in Potion Party. We grow herbs, boil them into an essence and then use beakers to make the potions.

Customers come to the counter wanting a specific potion of an exact color. The player must make said potion for the customer in single play or multiple player modes. Medieval music will chear you along as you try and make the potion before the customer loses all their patience and leaves. Potion Party gives players quite a bit of time to make the potions. The one drawback is it takes a bit of time to make things.

I learned to make as much extra as I could in Potion Party. Maybe the next customer would want a red or blue potion. If I had one on hand it would be easier to fulfill the order. I never knew what to expect. I played Potion Party for a bit and then had to go and play the tutorial to learn how to mix potions into different colors. The orange potion is what hung me up right from the start.

Water plays an essential role in Potion Party. We need it to do just about everything in this downloadable only Nintendo Switch video game. Potion Party is a great example of having to create things to sell them. Customers want exactly what they want. Customers will not accept anything but what they are asking for. I could not give them something close enough and satisfy them.

Potion Party is eighty-three megs in terms of download size. It should not tax your memory too badly. The small graphics in Potion Party are quaint. There is quite a bit to keep track of in Potion Party. As we play we earn in game currency. What do we do with the in game currency in Potion Party? We purchase additional tables, and tools to make the game easier for us to play.
- Sam


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Top Hat Studios
Developer: RPGames
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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