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Namco Museum Collection 1





Namco Museum Collection 1 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase the Namco Museum Collection 1 on the Evercade system. This cartridge contains eleven games on it. Those eleven games are Galaxian, Pac-Man, Xevious, Mappy, Dig Dug, Star Luster, Battle Cars, Metal Marines, Libble Rabble, Quad Challenge, and Mappy Kids. There are eight bit and sixteen bit games included on Namco Museum Collection 1. The games range in what we do as well.

The issues families can have with some of the games within Namco Museum Collection 1 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and addiction. Some of the games included on Namco Museum Collection 1 can be very addicting. Players can want to beat that high score, get a little farther, win that race and more. There are well known classics included on the Namco Museum Collection 1 cartridge. Galaxian, Pac-Man, Xevious, Mappy and Dig Dug are all well known franchises that have appeared on multiple different systems over the years.

Mappy really stuck out for me. I love the jumping on the trampolines, collecting the items and avoiding the characters trying to stop us. Battle Cars is another one that reminded me of F-Zero on the Super NES. Quad Challenge gave me fits at first because I had trouble getting up to the speed of the computer character I was racing against. Libble Rabble is a fun puzzle game that I really enjoyed playing. Drawing those lines and collecting those boxes was really fun. Metal Marines is very strategic and took time to learn. Retro gamers will really enjoy that one if you like strategy games.

I enjoyed Mappy Kids more than I expected to. I hope that franchise returns in the future. If you like retro space warfare first person simulators then Star Luster might be up your alley. Speaking of space shooters there are also Galaxian and Xevious. Namco Museum Collection 1 contains a lot of different kinds of games for a plethora of different kinds of gamers. All of the games look good on the Evercade system. They are retro so certain graphical and sound aspects are to be expected.

All in all I really enjoyed the Namco Museum Collection 1 on the Evercade. There are plenty of fun games to play. I am very pleased with what this system has been bringing us.
- Paul


Graphics: 71%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 74%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: Namco Bandai
Rating: ‘7’ - Everyone SEVEN and OLDER ONLY

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