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Instant Sports Winter Games





Instant Sports Winter Games 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Instant Sports Winter Games on the Nintendo Switch. There are physical copies of Instant Sports Winter Games available at retailers. We play seven different winter sports in Instant Sports Winter Games. Instant Sports Winter Games lets families ski, snowboard, bob sled, ice skate, curl and more. The snowball fights are one of the activities in Instant Sports Winter Games that make it unique.

Instant Sports Winter Games lets families choose to use motion or button controls. I prefer the button controls personally so I spent most of my time with Instant Sports Winter Games in the button control scheme. We can customize the character we choose and get into the different sets of the games. Families can also make their own customized set of the games as well. Which is pretty cool.

There is a little violence in Instant Sports Winter Games for activities like the snowball fights. We can also push and shove while we are trying to win races while we are skating in Instant Sports Winter Games. I had plenty of fun playing Instant Sports Winter Games on the Nintendo Switch. Instant Sports Winter Games looks okay and it sounds pretty good. I enjoyed the music while competing in this party game.

My biggest complaint about Instant Sports Winter Games is there are only seven games within it. This is much lower than the fifteen games within Instant Sports Paradise. Instant Sports Winter Games is definitely a party game. One player can play Instant Sports Winter Games and you will always win when you play by yourself. At least I did. I had the best competition available.

Before you play any of the games within Instant Sports Winter Games you will get a screen showing you the controls. These are pretty intuitative and easy to pick up. I even forgot some controls and was able to succeed while playing Instant Sports Winter Games on the Nintendo Switch. The cool part about Instant Sports Winter Games is it is selling for lower than many other newer video games. It will not cost families a lot to enjoy these winter sports.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Plug In Digital
Developer: Plug In Digital
Rating: ‘E’ – Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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