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Fishing Fighters





Fishing Fighters 


I am thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Fishing Fighters on the Nintendo Switch. As far as I know there is no physical copy version of Fishing Fighters available in the United States at this time. Fishing Fighters clocks in at 1.2 gigs in terms of game size. I know that can be scary for a lot of families based on the limited memory the Nintendo Switch comes with. That is one of the reasons so many families love physical copies of games.

There are two things that stuck out for me concerning Fishing Fighters. The first is the controls. Make sure you pick the right controls for what you are doing or the game will not work right for you. I also had issues getting past the message about how Fishing Fighters auto saves for us. It really frustrated me and I asked others to boot up Fishing Fighters and they also had the same confusion.

The second thing that stuck out for me concerning Fishing Fighters is the enticement to lust and lack of attire of some of the female characters. There was nothing in the oh so reliable ESRB descriptors on that issue. Families will feel mislead and betrayed by the ESRB. Although to be fair it is not the first time. After so many failures by the ESRB it is any wonder if any families feel that organization has any credibility left.

Families can play Fishing Fighters in Story Mode, Free Mode, Shop, and Collection. We go on missions while we play Fishing Fighters. We need to catch so many fish, certain fish, etc. Fishing Fighters looks nice and has some decent music and special effect sounds. Fishing Fighters can be played by one or more family members.

The slow reeling and unreliable controls that are overly confusing made me rage quit Fishing Fighters. I was even stuck in the tutorial for awhile because I was not capable of enacting the instructions per the lady teaching me. I usually like fishing games. I am usually up for a sponsored live stream of a fishing game. Not Fishing Fighters though. I like Fishing Star World Tour way better.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 55%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Aksys Games
Developer: Lategra
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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