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WildTrax Racing





WildTrax Racing 


I am grateful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital downloadable code for WildTrax Racing on the Nintendo Switch. I found no information concerning a physical copy edition of WildTrax Racing in the United States at the time this review was written. There are four vehicles and three race areas in WildTrax Racing. The race areas are Hard Rocks, Lost Ruins, and Dinosaur Canyon. The areas are pretty big in WildTrax Racing too.

WildTrax Racing is one of the most unique indie racers I have played in some time. We start the race in last place. That means position number fifty. We get sixty seconds to make it to the checkpoint. What happens at the checkpoint? We get more time at the checkpoints in WildTrax Racing. Not as much as we started with though. Make few mistakes in WildTrax Racing if you want to last longer. We pass other vehicles on the way.

We can play WildTrax Racing in Arcade, and Multiplayer. There is also a settings option in WildTrax Racing. WildTrax Racing can definitely be on the hard side. Boosts can help players through those straight aways. Be careful using them because you might go over a hill and get stuck on a wall. WildTrax Racing does let players reset. There is an arrow that generally guides us in WildTrax Racing on the Nintendo Switch.

I wish WildTrax Racing had a map overlay of what the race track looked like. That way we would know when curves were coming up next for certain. Learning the areas is pretty simple in WildTrax Racing. After a few times I was able to understand where to go next. Try to avoid hitting other vehicles and objects because it will slow you down. The clock is always ticking in WildTrax Racing. A stop time power-up would have been really cool. Sadly I did not find one while playing WildTrax Racing.

Four family members can enjoy the racing action in WildTrax Racing. This Nintendo Switch video game is under eighty megs so hopefully you will not need to clear space to enjoy this arcade racer. WildTrax Racing looks decent, and has some good music in it. WildTrax Racing is a great idea that I feel needed to marinate a bit longer and add more content.
- Frank


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 75%
Replay: 60%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Super PowerUp Games
Developer: Super PowerUp Games
Rating: Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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