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Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido





Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido  


I did some research on Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido before having Family Friendly Gaming purchase it. I knew the positives and negatives to each of the versions (Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch). I decided we should have someone play each version to verify this. You know the worldly gaming media has been wrong on a lot of things over the years. We continue to expose them and they really do not like that. We are viciously attacked for pointing out the facts and truth.

The best way to sum up the differences between the 3DS and Switch versions is the controls. The Switch version is similar if you undock the system. If you dock the system then Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido becomes pretty much unplayable. The graphics are a bit better on the Nintendo Switch. Hard to even differentiate though.

The issues families will have with Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido is violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, demonic characters, and more. The grinding in Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido is such a pain. Especially with the linking control issues on the Nintendo Switch.

I am so bored with the constant story line of having to revolt against the government. I could find no information on the government banning sushi anywhere. I found stories of restaurants banning people from eating their sushi. I also found stories on sushi restaurants banning people from taking photography. The lack of originality is getting old. Who keeps paying these companies to brainwash us to hate the government?

I did not enjoy my time with Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido. The biggest positive I can see is ya’ll can save your money and avoid Sushi Striker The Way of Sushido like the plague. The matching plate color as they zoom by is an interesting one. Throwing the stack of empty plates made me feel like a glutton.
- Paul


Graphics: 75%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EPD, indieszero
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes}

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