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Space Invaders Forever





Space Invaders Forever 


Space Invaders Forever consists of three games. Those three games are Space Invaders Extreme, Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE, and Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders. Space Invaders Extreme is like the original Space Invaders with a bit of a twist. We get all kinds of different aliens to shoot and there are even some bosses to battle with. We can shoot the fire of the enemies and destroy it as well. Do not expect to hide behind barriers though. Some neat new music welcomes families.

Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE is like the original Space Invaders with the barrier shields to protect us. Up to four family members can play Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE at the same time. Since the levels are so long it is advisable to play with more than one person within Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE. The goal in Space Invaders Gigamax 4 SE is to clear out the levels as quickly as possible. Some fresh new music welcomes families in this game.

Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders is the most different experience of the three in Space Invaders Forever. I played Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders on the Nintendo Switch. I turned the Nintendo Switch sideways and played Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders the long ways. Families control the shield and bounce the attacks back at the aliens with it. This is done with touch screen controls. The music and graphics are really wild in Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders.

Three interesting variations on some very retro video games. Space Invaders Forever keeps true to the original and gives families some interesting new ways to play them. Space Invaders Forever reminds me of the Pac-Man Championship Edition. It is neat that ININ Games and Taito is giving families three different visions for the original Space Invaders franchise in one package. I applaud them for coming up with these three games.

I was able to find physical copy versions of Space Invaders Forever online. Families within the physical copy movement are taken care in that very important regard. I added Space Invaders Forever to our video game wish list to purchase a physical copy version at some future date. I enjoyed Space Invaders Forever so much that I want a physical copy of it.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 75%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: PS4/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: ININ Games
Developer: Taito
Rating: ‘E’ – Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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