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I am grateful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Nicole on the Nintendo Switch. This visual novel contains a mystery and more. We play Nicole at a prestigious private college who is focusing on getting good grades and enjoying fashion. Nicole meets four boys and can date them. There is a culprit making women disappear in Nicole. Can you find this person? Will you wind up dating this boy?

The four boys Nicole dates in Nicole are Darren, Kurt, Jeff and Ted. Each of those four characters has a normal ending and a special ending. Nicole encourages women to play this game multiple times. That way you can see the eight endings. Women can also choose to play Nicole in visual novel mode or the normal mode. In normal mode not only do you get the visual novel but you also get to enact a life simulation.

The key stats in Nicole are morale, energy, clues, zeal, diligence, amity, and wit. In the life simulation portion of Nicole expect to do plenty of the same tasks to grind up those key stats. It can help break up the visual novel portions. You might choose to play just the visual novel portion of Nicole though. I found the life simulation parts to be tedious personally. Solving the mystery is what sets Nicole apart from most other visual novels I have played.

The issues families can have with Nicole is violence, drugs, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. I still do not comprehend why games like Nicole want us to explore all these different boys at the same time. Why not focus on one and see where a relationship goes. If that does not work get to know another boy, and so on. That would make the visual novel video games more realistic in my opinion. Trying to keep multiple boys straight in your head gets confusing fast.

Nicole has good artwork and nice graphics. The music is good in Nicole as well. Nicole is a one hundred and thirty-five megabyte download. I found no information on a physical copy version of Nicole in the United States at this time. There is a gallery on the main screen to look at artwork that was unlocked during the playing of this game. I wish the artwork was unlocked right from the beginning.
- Yolanda


Graphics: 60%
Sounds: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Winter Wolves Games
Rating: ‘T’ – THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Mild Violence, Drug Reference, Sexual Themes}

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