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Never Breakup





Never Breakup 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Never Breakup on the Nintendo Switch recently. This little indie video game lets family members control two characters at the same time. Two family members playing at the same time is the best setup in my opinion. Never Breakup can be difficult for one player trying to control both of them at once. Especially trying to get on switches and open multiple doors.

The characters we play with in Never Breakup are roundish. That means controlling them can be challenging at times. Thankfully each of the characters can plant themselves in place. I found planting the characters in Never Breakup is extremely important on moving platforms. If you don’t plant then you will find Never Breakup is a bit loose on the controls. Remember they are round and do not stop on a dime.

The music in Never Breakup is pretty nice. The top down graphics have an indie look and feel to them. I have seen plenty of worse looking indie games on the Nintendo Switch than Never Breakup. The two characters we control are attached via a rope. We can also draw one character to the other one with the press of a button. We can control both characters at once or swap which of the two characters we are controlling. We will drag the other character with us as we go.

Never Breakup lets us roll, jump, grab, pull, plant and more. The modes in Never Breakup are Adventure Mode, Mini Gme, Gashapon, Settings, and Other. The Adventure Mode has six chapters to it. The first chapter has seven levels in it. I do not know how many levels are in the other chapters because I got stuck in the first chapter. Gashapon is where we spend on our coins on in game content. The prices are really high in my opinion.

Never Breakup is a 1.3 gig download. I found no information on a physical copy version of Never Breakup on the Nintendo Switch in America at this time. Never Breakup teaches us to work together. Never Breakup also teaches us that we are better together than doing thing by ourselves. We can fall of the edges into the water in Never Breakup. I wish Never Breakup had some kind of casual mode for the Adventure Mode.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: indienova
Developer: ISVR
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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