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Freddy Spaghetti





Freddy Spaghetti  


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Freddy Spaghetti on the Nintendo Switch. This downloadable only title can also be found in this exact version on the Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Dr P Star wants to give consciousness to some kind of inanimate object. He fails at it again and again. Then he dreams of spaghetti and tries it. We then take on the role of Freddy Spaghetti in this video game.

The back story in Freddy Spaghetti is told with some decent voice acting. We then see a nice looking 3D world from the overhead viewpoint. From there we must learn how to control our floppy friend. We use one button to move the left side and one side to move the right side. On the Nintendo Switch those buttons are ZL and ZR respectively. We can keep spamming one side to drag along the rest of the noodle in Freddy Spaghetti.

I ran into all kinds of issues with the controls in Freddy Spaghetti. It got worse when we had to hold the button to charge a build for a jump. Why not just make R and L the jump buttons? I can see a variety of gamer rage quitting on Freddy Spaghetti because of the controls. Those that stick with it are treated to an interesting storyline. The odd fantasy world in Freddy Spaghetti made little to no sense to me, but it is different.

The goal in Freddy Spaghetti is to reach the end zone area. Part of that for me was finding it. I moved around in the first level trying to figure out what to do. I eventually stumbled across a shiny circle and went into it. Then I learned what I needed to do in the next level. Freddy Spaghetti will explain the additional controls that are added througout the game. Now making them happen are a completely different story.

Freddy Spaghetti comes with a lot of personality. Some of the humor might bother some families. It is better for Family Friendly Gaming to mention that than have you get shocked. I like the world in Freddy Spaghetti. The floppy physics can be a bit of a pain at times. I am not a fan of that control scheme. If you are then you will most likely enjoy Freddy Spaghetti on the systems it is on. I liked the voice acting – almost as good as our EIC.


Graphics: 65%
Sounds: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Playful Pasta
Rating: ‘E10+’ – Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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