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Warlock's Tower





Warlock's Tower 


Warlock's Tower looked like a Gameboy video game. Warlock's Tower sounds like a Gameboy game. Family Friendly Gaming was given digital download codes to Warlock's Tower on multiple systems. We used the Nintendo Switch code, and then offered the other codes to Twitch followers that send us a whisper. As I write this one person already followed the instructions and requested a code. Which was provided to them.

Warlock's Tower is not provided in the physical copy format at this time. The storyline involves a warlock that the world fears. They also hate this warlock because he has used up too many resources. The extremism from the radical far left was seeping through. So the world leaders write him a letter of peace. You are the delivery man who must go up all the levels of the cursed tower and deliver the message.

In the real world the Postman delivers to your front door. That is the definition of delivering the message. Unless it is some kind of legal summons and those are delivered by different people. I started to chase a rabbit there, but that really stuck out to me as I played this retro digital downloadable video game. Warlock's Tower can be a really difficult game too.

What makes Warlock's Tower difficult? We can only move so many steps on each floor. So we must step over crystals to get more steps. There is a specific order that must be followed to beat each of the levels in Warlock's Tower. Be careful the order you step in Warlock's Tower as well. Say one crystal gives five steps, and the next one gives three steps. If you walk over the five, and then the three you only have three steps to take from that point on.

Enemies in Warlock's Tower make this game even more difficult. Every so many steps they move as well. Which means you do not want to be right by them when they take their next step. It is easy to die in Warlock's Tower. It is also easy to restart a level after making a mistake. Modern day retro gamers that are into puzzle games might take an interest in Warlock's Tower.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Xbox One/PS Vita/PS4/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Midipixel
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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