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UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure




UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure 


I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was provided a digital download code for UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure on the Xbox One. This interesting video game is also on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and Playstation 4. There are physical copy versions of UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure at retail as well. The game size for UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure is around one gig.

Have you been watching the Twitch streams I did of UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure? If not please go here and make sure to follow by pressing the heart button. Those really show you what UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure is all about. We quest, find items, and help other characters. Two family members can work together playing UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure.

The robots have invaded Uglyville and it is up to us playing as Moxy or Ox to save our UglyDoll friends. We have 2D looking characters playing in a 3D environment. A lot of UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure is crafting items and using them. There are story moments told in a comic book like style. Collecting buttons and materials is extremely important in UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure. Do those constantly to keep progressing in this game.

UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure looks good and it sounds good. I enjoyed the humor in this cute little game. I am not familiar with the UglyDolls franchise so it was neat for me to learn about them through this game. We can lure and trap the robots to get rid of them. We have a courage bar instead of a health bar. When we lose all our courage we get reset in the area. This is the extent of the violent content in UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure.

I enjoyed playing UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure. There is an early item that shows us where to go. I had to keep crafting them to keep finding out where to go next. Which was fine with me. I believe there are a lot of families that can enjoy UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure on their favorite console or PC. I hope to see more games like UglyDolls An Imperfect Adventure in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 88%
Replay/Extras: 92%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Outright Games
Developer: Well Played
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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