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Super Box Land Demake





Super Box Land Demake 


Family Friendly Gaming was provided a digital download code for Super Box Land Demake on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PS Vita. We only used the Nintendo Switch code. If you would like one of the other codes then send us a whisper on Twitch. You may have to follow us first to send us a whisper. Super Box Land Demake looks and sounds like an 8-bit video game.

There are one hundred levels in Super Box Land Demake. We can activiate a speed run timer to test our speed. We push blocks around and can control one or two characters. Two family members can enjoy Super Box Land Demake at the same time. They can learn to cooperate and work together in this downloadable only retro title. We can rewind this game that has three difficulty settings.

I found pleasure in playing Super Box Land Demake. It is relaxing as we move the blocks around in different kinds of weather. I loved how we can open the door, and then move the blocks off the switches. This meant I did not need to consider how I would get to the door. This is a neat feature. My dad says Super Box Land Demake reminds him of the Adventures of Lolo video games.

There is no violent content found within Super Box Land Demake. We can rewind the game if we make a mistake. What kinds of mistakes can be made in Super Box Land Demake? We can push a block too far. I found it challenging to try and control two characters at the same time. Maybe that is how I think. I take care of one task at a time not two at the same time in different locations.

We find these little bottles with plus signs on them in the bushes of Super Box Land Demake. Players can only hold so many of them for so long. It would be great to see Super Box Land Demake grow into the physical copy format. Super Box Land Demake shows that one simple concept can be grown into an entire video game. I think families would enjoy Super Box Land Demake.
- Peter


Graphics: 70%
Sounds: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: PS Vita/PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: lightUP
Rating: ‘E’ – Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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