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Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands





Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands 


A digital download code for Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands was provided to Family Friendly Gaming for this review. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is on the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code on that last system. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is provided in the much sought after physical copy format as well.

Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is one of those video games that sucked me in right from the beginning. This video game feels like going on a quest. The characters interested me right from the start. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands slowly builds and grows as we play it. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is like Rune Factory in so many ways.

We get stranded on these islands and must grow food to survive. We then go and collect specific items to build a cooking station. From there we can cook what we grow. Players must be mindful of their energy bar in Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands. Running will drain it faster. Eat food or sleep to build the energy bar back up. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands looks nice and it sounds good too. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is an upper quality indie title.

The issues families will have with Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is violence, ghosts, and bad language. I loved the farming aspect of this 1.6 gig video game. Families that purchase Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands will get their moneys worth. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands always has a mission on the screen telling us what to do next.

Items we can interact with have a little gleen to them in Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands. I love how Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands makes sure we know what to interact with and what we need to do to progress the story along. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is more than a farming game, more than a crafting game, and more than a cooking game. Stranded Sails Explorers of the Cursed Islands is an adventure that is interesting to go on.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 65%
Sounds: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Merge Games
Developer: Lemonbomb Entertainment
Rating: ‘E10+’ – Everyone TEN and OLDER ONLY
{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language}
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Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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