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Star Wars Pinball





Star Wars Pinball 


I did not realize how many Star Wars Pinball tables there were until I played Star Wars Pinball on the Nintendo Switch. I am so thankful that Zen Studios sent us the retail copy of Star Wars Pinball on the Nintendo Switch. We also received a T-shirt and slippers. How cool is that? We showed all of it off in one of our Twitch streams. Are you following us there and watching us live?

Members of Family Friendly Gaming Universe (FFGU) know how much we love physical copies of games. Star Wars Pinball makes perfect sense since it compiled all of the Star Wars Pinball games in the Pinball FX3. This is also a game we asked for, so it is always cool to see it come to the market. I really hope FFGU supports this game. It is selling for thirty dollars right now which is a steal. There are nineteen tables in Star Wars Pinball.

The issues families can have with Star Wars Pinball are the violence, bad language, and force religious teachings. It really ranges on the tables though. Some tables are more pronounced with that than others. Also certain missions have to be enacted and/or completed to see some of the content. If you enjoy video game pinball, then you should enjoy Star Wars Pinball. If you like Star Wars there are plenty of areas you can geek out in.

There are multiple ways we can play Star Wars Pinball on the Nintendo Switch. We can go to each of the tables and play them. We can play Star Wars Pinball in Career mode. We can also play in Leagues and Tournaments. There are nine Cantina songs in Star Wars Pinball that can be unlocked. Families will easily get their moneys worth out of Star Wars Pinball on the Nintendo Switch.

I had so much fun playing Star Wars Pinball on the Nintendo Switch. I love compilations. I love physical copies. I love games at a lower price with tons of content. There is so much to do in Star Wars Pinball that I am recommending this game to families. I appreciate Zen Studios so much for releasing this game in this format. It is so much easier for families to get all of the Star Wars pinball tables in Star Wars Pinball. Put this game on your Christmas list.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sound: 78%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: ZEN Studios
Developer: ZEN Studios
Rating: ‘E10+’ - Everyone 10+
{Fantasy Violence, Mild Language}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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