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Funny Bunny Adventures





Funny Bunny Adventures 


Have you ever played a Nintendo Switch video game and thought: “this game feels like an app on the phones?” That is exactly what I thought when I started playing Funny Bunny Adventures. This downloadable only video game is on the Personal Computer, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android. What made me think that about Funny Bunny Adventures? There are quick little levels where we can earn up to three stars.

A horrible storm messed up the carrot crop for the bunnies. The player takes control of Funny Bunny to go and get more carrots. We hop around levels and carrots start to grow. After starting all of them we can then harvest them. There is obviously a catch in Funny Bunny Adventures. What is that catch? We must avoid hazards in Funny Bunny Adventures. There is a casual mode and a hard mode in Funny Bunny Adventures.

The music in Funny Bunny Adventures sounds wonderful. I loved listening to Funny Bunny Adventures while I hopped around the different levels. Funny Bunny Adventures shows its roots graphically. The same things applies to the animations in Funny Bunny Adventures. The controls are what we really got me in Funny Bunny Adventures. I had such issues controlling this game. The way we move with the buttons is a complete pain.

Funny Bunny Adventures is a two hundred and forty-six meg downloadable video game. That is pretty large for the thirty-five levels across three worlds. Funny Bunny Adventures also includes twenty-six upgrades and an unlockable bonus level. Players need to watch out for the witch who wants to stop us from saving the bunnies by feeding them. Isn’t that just like a witch? Trying to do evil while we are trying to do good.

I like so much of Funny Bunny Adventures. I am not that big on the controls though. That is the one thing I would have done differently about Funny Bunny Adventures on the Nintendo Switch. I cannot speak to the controls on other systems. My favorite part of Funny Bunny Adventures is going through the whirlwinds to get to another part of the map. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to play Funny Bunny Adventures. Maybe we will see advertisements of this game on the Family Friendly Gaming website.
- Frank


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: PC/Nintendo Switch(tested)
Publisher: Drageus Games
Developer: mPower Games
Rating: ‘E’ for Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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