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Football Heroes Turbo





Football Heroes Turbo 


Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Football Heroes Turbo on the Nintendo Switch. I wish there was a physical copy version of Football Heroes Turbo available for families. Football Heroes Turbo gives us some interesting football action with a bit of a twist. We punch, kick, and use powerful moves to tackle or break tackles in Football Heroes Turbo. In fact when we are running for the end zone we will probably get stopped to battle. Win and you can go in for a score.

Football Heroes Turbo contain Season Mode, Online Match, Local MP, and Options. As we play with our team in Football Heroes Turbo we level things up. We level up the team, and the individual players. There are only so many training points so we can not always level up everyone right away. There are over 280 players in Football Heroes Turbo on the Nintendo Switch. Each has their own stats.

I found kicking to be very difficult in Football Heroes Turbo. Thankfully I would win by enough points usually that missing the extra points was no big deal. Football Heroes Turbo also lets us go for two points in case you would prefer to try that. A tutorial is offered at the beginning and I strongly recommend families use it. Football Heroes Turbo is small in terms of download size (under three hundred megs).

There is local multiplayer and online multiplayer available in Football Heroes Turbo. The plays really depend on who knocks who down. Please note your character will be able to get back up once a short bar is filled. I am disappointed in the ESRB missing the violent content in Football Heroes Turbo. They could not find one descriptor to describe the violent content found within Football Heroes Turbo. I also feel Football Heroes Turbo is more of an 'E10+' rated game than an 'E' rated game.

We play two halves in Football Heroes Turbo. There are not four quarters in this sports brawling video game. We can create our own team, city, and logo in Football Heroes Turbo. In order to play Football Heroes Turbo online your family will need to purchase the Nintendo Online membership. I enjoyed my time with Football Heroes Turbo. It got me a bit more aggressive since that is the way to win games.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Run Games
Developer: Run Games
Rating: ‘E' - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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