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A Knight's Quest





A Knight's Quest 


It is so cool that Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for A Knight's Quest on the Xbox One. This zelda like video game with Playmobile looking characters (in the face at least) is also on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and Playstation 4. I was unable to find any information about a physical copy version of A Knight's Quest in the United States at this time.

The download size of A Knight's Quest is 5.58 gigs. Thankfully we did not need to delete any games to make room for A Knight's Quest. This Zelda like video game in a 3D action adventure world has some pretty epic moments. I love how we escape a temple in the beginning of this game. The areas in A Knight's Quest are huge. As we learn new skills we can access more areas.

The issues families will have with A Knight's Quest is bad language, violence, magic, some potentially offensive humor, spirit knights, and more. The music in A Knight's Quest is fantastic. I loved listening to these tracks while playing areas in A Knight's Quest. I ran into a few glitches here and there while playing A Knight's Quest. Nothing too big, and hopefully it will be patched day one.

Remember Family Friendly Gaming received a copy of A Knight's Quest before the public did. So many glitches we run into while playing early versions of video games are repaired by the time they reach ya'll. Sometimes I think gaming media is viewed as free Quality Assurance Analyst. I have heard plenty of people comment that we should get paid for finding bugs.

If you enjoy 3D platformers and the Zelda concept, and you are thirteen years or older then you might find some fun in A Knight's Quest. The characters and storyline can be laughable at times. The gameplay and areas are very solid. I had fun playing A Knight's Quest on the Xbox One. I hope this franchise grows into the physical copy format in the near future.


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/PS4/Xbox One(tested)
Publisher: Curve Digital
Developer: Sky 9 Games
{Crude Humor, Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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