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Professional Farmer Switch Edition




Professional Farmer Switch Edition 


I love farming video games. I was really happy to hear Professional Farmer ported over to the Nintendo Switch in the form of Professional Farmer Switch Edition. This is a 3.3 gig download. Which took forever. Thankfully families can purchase a physical copy edition of Professional Farmer Switch Edition. The loading is still on the long side, but I can not do anything about that.

The graphics in Professional Farmer Switch Edition look bland. Which is a disappointment to me because Professional Farmer looks better on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One. There are also graphical glitches in Professional Farmer Switch Edition. We can not go through the tunnels in Professional Farmer Switch Edition. We can back through the vehicles waiting behind us though.

The music in Professional Farmer Switch Edition is fantastic to listen to. I loved listening to the music while playing Professional Farmer Switch Edition. This Nintendo Switch game does not force families to play the tutorial first. I highly recommend it though. If you do not play the tutorial in Professional Farmer Switch Edition then you will literally have no idea what to do. Professional Farmer Switch Edition is not intuitive that way either.

The controls in Professional Farmer Switch Edition are pretty convoluted. I am used to it from playing so many farming simulator video games. I comprehend hooking up devices, rotating them, lowering them, opening them, and more. The commands are on the screen when you get close to something in Professional Farmer Switch Edition. There are a lot of different things to focus on while farming in this game.

I enjoyed my time with Professional Farmer Switch Edition. I do not put this farming game king of the hill at this point. There are plenty of improvements this game could and should receive. Professional Farmer Switch Edition is a decent farming simulation video game that will teach you the basic economics of farming. Professional Farmer Switch Edition also teaches us how difficult this job really is.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 85%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 50%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

Publisher: UIG Entertainment
Developer: UIG Entertainment
System: Nintendo Switch
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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