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I am pleased Family Friendly Gaming was given a digital download code for Splasher on the Playstation 4. This downloadable only video game can also be found on the Nintendo Switch, Personal Computer, and Xbox One. I found no information on a physical copy version of Splasher in my research for this review. Splasher is a 2D side scrolling puzzle platformer speedrunner with paint mechanics.

Before you get all Splatoon on me, let me explain a bit more about the paint mechanics in Splasher. Paint can be sprayed on surfaces. Red is sticky and lets us walk on the ceiling for example. Yellow allows us to bounce off of the surface we paint. You will go flying with yellow and probably hope you are in a submarine. Paint can also be washed off.

The music in Splasher is nice. The graphics look good for an indie game. The game play in Splasher can be fun. I should warn you though, expect a challenge from this digital download. Few gamers will breeze through Splasher. There is a casual version in Splasher which removes the timer, and slows down the saws. Even with those adjustments Splasher can be challenging at times.

Splasher abuses bulls. This game has a common theme with little bulls. We have to wash bulls off paint they are stuck to and have them fall to their death. I do not know what the developer has against bulls, but they are killed frequently in this game that has some blood and violent content. The two modes in Splasher are time attack and standard mode.

The physics in Splasher can feel strange at first. Like jumping around saws on the walls. I do not know why it was set up this way, but it was. I had to press toward the saw to go around it. I thought I should press away, up, and then toward. There are two types of collectibles in Splasher. We can save scientists or spray yellow in certain spots. The whole spraying yellow paint felt weird to me.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Nintendo Switch/PC/Xbox One/PS4(tested)
Publisher: Plug in Digital
Developer: Splash Team
Rating: ‘RP' - Rating Pending

Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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