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Golf Story




Golf Story 


Finally a role playing video game that Family Friendly Gaming has been asking for. Golf Story is all about golf. Okay, so maybe Family Friendly Gaming did not ask for a role playing video game all about golf. What we did ask for was a modern based role playing video game without all of that false goddess garbage and magic. Golf Story levels players up by doing things on a golf course.

What kinds of things do we do in Golf Story? We beat other characters in golf courses, hit certain targets, bounce off certain areas, and more. The indie graphics look good in Golf Story. The music in Golf Story is fantastic. The golf game play mechanics are really good. I love how we hit certain spots in the bar gauge to hit the ball perfectly. We also can determine hitting it in lower spots to go a little less.

The story in Golf Story is modern and interesting. There was a mention of idols in Golf Story. There are plenty of characters in Golf Story. There are corrupt characters, greedy characters, arrogant characters, helpful characters and more. Golf Story give us a wide array of different kinds of people to deal with in the eight unique environments. Golf is a major part of this game. I hope to see more role playing games like Golf Story. By that I mean I want to see more modern themed role playing games.

I had a blast playing Golf Story on the Nintendo Switch. Golf Story is such a fresh game with fresh ideas. I would love to see Golf Story make it into the physical copy realm with updated graphics. As of right now Golf Story is only in the digital download format. It is a 893 meg file in terms of download size. It is selling for $14.99. Which is reasonable for a game of this size.

I noticed elements in Golf Story from a variety of different entertainment franchises. The coach does not want to train you because he does not see much in you. The odd thing is you beat his students and he still will not change his mind. That is one example. The dinosaur area was interesting. The same goes for the beach and snow. The game play in Golf Story is the coolest part of this game.
- RPG Master


Graphics: 75%
Sounds: 90%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Sidebar Games
Developer: Sidebar Games
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY
{Mild Violence}
Company provided product
Value/Cost of the review is greater than value/cost of provided product

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