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The Amazing Spider-Man




 The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man  


Another Summer is upon us! And its time for another blockbuster superhero movie tie-in video game. This one focuses on one of my favorite comic heroes - The Amazing Spider-Man. The recently released The Amazing Spider-Man video game is the epilogue to the movie of the same name. So if you have not seen the movie, then you are in for some spoilers - as who survived and major plot points from the movie are revealed. 

The Amazing Spider-Man, published by Activision, and developed by Beenox takes place in an open-world Manhattan. While Beenox was not able to capture all of the culture and excitement that exist in the Big Apple, it is a very well done representation that allows for almost limitless exploration of the city. I enjoyed swinging around building after building just watching the skyscrapers go by with such fluidity. The new web rush technique allows the gamer to switch to first-person viewing as to quickly identify places web swinging is possible. While this was a little tricky to grasp at first, I found myself using this new feature over and over.

Also, I was impressed by how well Spider-Man himself looked in The Amazing Spider-Man. In no other Spider-Man or Marvel video incarnation has the web slinger looked this true to form. However, the same can not be said for the other characters. Most of the other characters and surrounding were bland and lifeless. This was disappointing considering some of the voice acting (while not the movie actors) was stellar.

The gameplay and story mode do find themselves to be repetitive, but that is overcome by how fun it is to be Spider-Man. There is simply nothing like being Spider-Man and plying (I mean, slinging) around the Big Apple looking for bad guys. 

Keep in mind this is a superhero game so there is a lot of comic style fighting. A lot of the game is finding and fighting bad guys. Whether using stealth mode, which is really well done, or swinging around a building to stop a car chase, Spider-Man does what he does best - but does it over and over. 

Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man is fun to play, and that is coming from a HUGE spidey fanboy. Casual gamers may find the repetition just that, and grow old of it. But this is a must have for Spider-Man fans! 
- Alan


Graphics: 74%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 67%
System: Xbox 360/PS3/Wii
Publisher: Activision
ating:  ‘T’ - Teen
{Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence}

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