Quantum Conundrum
Do you know who John de Lancie is? He is
an actor that played Q in Star Trek The Next Generation. He is the main
voice in Quantum Conundrum. He is the uncle that you are trying to go
see. Every so often you get dropped off at his house to see what
fantastic new invention he has come up with. This time it is an
inter-dimensional shifting device.
An accident happens and we are in the right place at the right time. We
get to try and bring the power back on. Since this is a video game we
have to do this one section at a time - of course. Quantum Conundrum
slowly teaches us how to solve the puzzles in the rooms. I did find
myself completely stuck early on, and John de Lancie offered me a hint
as to what to do.
If you have problems with the first person perspective games I would
recommend limiting how long you play Quantum Conundrum, and taking
breaks in between. The graphics in Quantum Conundrum are pretty neat.
Things can get freaky as we shift the different dimensions around
though. Seeing through items was especially strange for me.
There are games that transcend being a video game because they are such
an interactive experience. Quantum Conundrum is clearly one of these
games. I really appreciate the uncle offering so much dialogue. One in
awhile he would say something unkind. The music and special effect
sounds enhance this home console game in multiple ways.
Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code for this review.
With that said I do believe Quantum Conundrum is worth the price of
admission. It is a long game that will tax your brain in a variety of
ways. My whole life I have heard how smart I am, yet Quantum Conundrum
made me feel as dumb as bricks in a few spots. Nothing like your ten
your old son telling you to try something that works and gets you
through a room. That will humble a professional video game reviewer.
Once a puzzle is solved there is no reason to go back. In fact I found
Quantum Conundrum would not let me return to previous rooms. Which is
fine because I (or others) solved that room and are ready for the next
challenge. There are specific ways puzzles must be solved in Quantum
Conundrum. Thankfully I had been shown some of the levels at events like
E3 2012.
Quantum Conundrum engages the neurons and makes us think about solving
problems in different ways. I found myself constantly shifting my
thinking to find a solution. Sometimes I tried something to see how it
worked. Other times I shifted the dimensions. Other times I looked
around the rooms. Switches could be hidden in a variety of places.
Following the cables is the best advice I can offer.
I had a lot of fun playing Quantum Conundrum. My head hurts, but I had a
lot of fun. I appreciate that Square Enix took the time to publish and
release this game on the Personal Computer (PC), Playstation 3 (PS3),
and Xbox 360. The quirky humor brought a smile to my face throughout the
- Paul
Graphics: 80%
Sound: 83%
Replay/Extras: 88%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%
System: PC/PS3/Xbox 360
Publisher: Square Enix
Rating: ‘E’ -
{Comic Mischief}
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