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Law and Order Legacies





Law and Order Legacies 


TellTale Games is the master of video games that come in episodes. They are having obvious success with video games based off of television shows. Law & Order has been around for some time now, and spawned all kinds of various products. It makes sense to release video games in the form of episodes on this franchise.

Law & Order Legacies is one of those games that is for adults only. The subject matter, and many of the materials found in this show are not for children. If you are a fan of the show then you can completely understand this. The murders are gruesome, and the murderers are generally pretty arrogant.

One of the things that immediately sticks out about Law & Order Legacies is it feels just like the television show. The characters in the game resemble the real world counter parts in many ways. The voices are almost always from the real characters, and the writing feels like the show. Down to the shocking twists and turns.

Law & Order Legacies is coming in seven episodes. At the time of writing this review the first four are available. The initial episode is purchased for three dollars and then the player purchases the rest as in-app purchases. A season pass can be purchased which grants the buyer the rest of the episodes for one price. This also saves money in the long run.

Most of the lighting in Law & Order Legacies is of the darker variety. This is tone and subject matter. The blood, dead bodies, and facial expressions are all very apparent. What is a real treat is to hear the tones change at the same time. Effort was put into Law & Order Legacies. This shines through in the final product.

The biggest disappointment this reviewer has in Law & Order Legacies is the language. Certain characters have some pretty foul mouths. This hurts Law & Order Legacies. The well known theme music is played at the right points in Law & Order Legacies. This enhances this game, and makes it feel much more like a real episode.

The game play in Law & Order Legacies is pretty simple. Look around for clues and evidence. The better you do the higher your score, which can increase your rank. Listen to what people have to say, and perform interviews. This leads to more interviews until you find a suspect. Finally they are questioned on the stand. The entire court proceedings can be daunting at first. Take it slow, pay attention, and you should win the case.

One of the cool things about Law & Order Legacies is the choices players are allowed. Do you want to offer a plea bargain or not? Do you want to object at certain points? Which line of questioning do you want to follow with a suspect? Can you prove they are lying. Law & Order Legacies is very cerebral. Players must think about it like real detectives and prosecutors.
- Working Man Gamer


Graphics: 61%
Sound: 56%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%
System: iPad/PC
Publisher: TellTale Games
‘12+’ - 12+
{Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References,Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence,Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes}

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