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Diggin Dogs





Diggin Dogs 


When I first saw a video for Diggin' Dogs I instantly thought it was a platformer that expanded the Dig Dug concept. After playing Diggin' Dogs I can see that was a rudimentary understanding of this iPhone/iPod Touch and iPad game. Players have three dogs. The goal is to get them down to the bottom of the screen where there is a golden boot.

Get the golden boot, is that it? Of course not. These dogs have three bones to find in every level. And there are coins to collect. If that were not enough there are things like enemies and traps in Diggin' Dogs. There is no time limit so being patient and going slow is generally rewarded. I found planning my path produced better results.

There are various enemies in Diggin' Dogs. Having a dog touch them sends the puppy packing. Thankfully we have three and can complete the level with just one. The different worlds provide different challenges, and color schemes. Diggin' Dogs includes ghosts as one of the enemy types. They did not scare me, or children I let try this app.

The music in Diggin' Dogs is fantastic. I recognized some of it too. A little Pirates of the Caribbean sounds are in Diggin' Dogs. It may not exactly fit the theme of dogs digging, but it brought a smile to my face. I should clarify something too, the dogs do not do the actual digging. The player presses down and drags to excavate the areas.

Most players will be able to quickly breeze through the first world of Diggin' Dogs. After that levels start to become more challenging. Then you have the bones to consider. They unlock future worlds, so you want to do as well as possible. Diggin' Dogs contains a definite intelligent design. Currently there are sixty-one levels in five worlds(Forest, Snow, Junkyard, Jungle and Volcano).

Like most apps expect for additional worlds to be coming at some future date. I really enjoyed playing Diggin' Dogs. It reminds me of the amazingly popular Where's My Water? app. Just dogs instead of water. And the dogs can get different power ups to impact the game play. Diggin' Dogs has its own flavor for sure though.
- Paul


Graphics: 90%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 92%
Gameplay: 95%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Publisher: Chillingo
‘4+’- 4+

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