Crosswords Plus
My entire life I have
known a variety of people who do crossword puzzles. They may do them in
books, or the newspaper. I myself have dabbled in them. Many times the
cultural references are beyond me. That is where Nintendo comes in. The
Nintendo 3DS has a wonderful new game on it now - Crosswords Plus.
Imagine one thousand crossword puzzles at your fingers tips. No cheating
either. Someone could write in whatever and give up on one of the hard
copy versions. Crosswords Plus times players and offers hints. Those
hints cost points. Points that are earned by beating puzzles.
Many times with Crosswords Plus it is your frame of mind. What words do
you associate with other words. Hints can be cleverly disguised. But
once the answer it known we wonder why we did not think of it earlier.
Or maybe that is just me. I can beat myself up for not thinking of the
right answer earlier.
Crosswords Plus has an old school look and feel to it. That is not the
coolest thing though. Crosswords Plus can be seen in 3D. Well the top
screen anyways. Something I always see as a real treat. Crosswords Plus
will change the letters color depending on whether it belongs in that
exact spot or not.
The key to success in Crosswords Plus is understanding clues vertical or
horizontal. A vertical clue may not make much sense, but if you know the
horizontal then you should be fine. Knowing at least one of them will
bring the family member closer to success.
Nintendo is also sending families puzzles through Crosswords Plus.
Puzzles can also be shared in Spotpass. Families can have months of fun
thanks to Crosswords Plus. I am very thankful Family Friendly Gaming was
provided a download code for this review. This is one solid title.
- Paul
Graphics: 90%
Sound: 93%
Replay/Extras: 95%
Gameplay: 92%
Family Friendly Factor: 99%
System: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone
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