Childrens Picture Dictionary
Children's Picture Dictionary is a neat
little tool on the iPhone/iPod Touch. I chose that word very carefully
because Children's Picture Dictionary is not really a game. It includes
a little matching mini game, but the core of this is the picture
dictionary. Before you freak out and think pre-school, please understand
there is much more in Children's Picture Dictionary.
The pictures look really nice in Children's Picture Dictionary. I
enjoyed seeing all those photos. I also like how family friendly the
pictures are in Children's Picture Dictionary. This also includes the
words. There are over 1,700 words in this hand held dictionary. There
are quite a few words that children will be able to use.
There is no music in Children's Picture Dictionary. So it is a rather
quiet experience. Sort of like the library without all the shushing, and
being told to be quiet. Or was that just me who had that experience?
Any-who! Children's Picture Dictionary will give the child the word in a
sentence. It does not always help with a comprehension of what the word
is though.
Children's Picture Dictionary currently costs two dollars which is
cheaper than most dictionaries out there. Unless you find one at the
dollar store, and I don't think it will have pictures in it. One of my
complaints about Children's Picture Dictionary is it can be difficult to
find a word if you don't know what it is. There is a search button, and
we can go through the dictionary alphabetically starting with any
Let's be honest here. How many people go through the dictionary
alphabetically? Lets say a child is looking for cedar, and starts in the
'S' section. Why would they do that? Because cedar sounds like it starts
with an 'S'. Children's Picture Dictionary is a neat tool that is not as
intelligent was we may want. But it can still help children learn words,
and get a visual representation of them.
- Paul
Graphics: 85%
Sound: 76%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Selectsoft
Rating: ‘4+’ - 4+
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