Youda Survivor
Youda Survivor is the strangest time
management game I have ever played. Players take on the role of a
shirtless gentleman who washes up on an island. The islanders have a
legend about someone being their savior. And no they do not seem to have
a copy of the Holy Bible, or have heard about Jesus Christ. What the
player does in this game is what is odd.
You are on the beach, and birds come to get water. So you dig holes in
the sand. They drink the water, and lay eggs. You collect the eggs.
Later on you get machines to make different kinds of eggs. Water also
becomes a problem for the player. Crabs, pirates, and more try and get
in the way of making the achievements. Speaking of which some of those
achievements come a little too easily in my opinion.
The colors, and level of details are really good in Youda Survivor. The
characters are dressed for a tropical island. Which means they are not
wearing a lot of clothing. Thankfully their models are small on the main
game play screen. The birds (which look like sea gulls to me) and crabs
can get into fights which is shown in a cloud of dirt.
The music, and voices in Youda Survivor is magnificent. I love listening
to the music in this iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad game. The composer to Youda
Survivor is amazingly talented. The special effect sounds fit the theme
of this game admirably as well. I did find a few oddities in Youda
Survivor though. There is a rain ritual which is used to make it rain.
I am reviewing Youda Survivor before it is released to the public. It is
my hope that this game sells for $1.99 or less. The eight levels would
be a fantastic deal at that price point in my opinion. There are
multiple upgrades in this game that make playing levels easier. It can
take a few weeks to complete this hand held title.
I learned to provide water for myself and birds in Youda Survivor. I
also learned to get rid of pirates and crabs. Youda Survivor is a fun
game that will require players to keep their attention on everything at
once. Multi-tasking is the biggest skill family members can learn from
this hand held video game. The time management genre is tweaked a little
bit thanks to Youda Survivor.
- Yolanda
Graphics: 81%
Sound: 90%
Replay/Extras: 84%
Gameplay: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 79%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Publisher: G5 Entertainment
Rating: ‘4+’ - 4+
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