Team UmiZoomi
I love seeing 'EC' video games come to
market. I am thankful for the opportunity to cover them. I am grateful
to be able to review them. Team UmiZoomi is one of those games thanks to
our friends over at 2K Play. Team UmiZoomi is a Nick jr television show.
It teaches kids different lessons. We have not seen the show here at
Family Friendly Gaming, but did some research on it.
This Nintendo DS hand held game is a great one for children. They can
learn about some fascinating math skills. There are also lessons about
helping animals, and recycling. I hate to say it but whenever I heard
the push for recycling from a children's show I think of brainwashing,
and that article in the New York Times - 'Recycling is Garbage' by John
The visuals in Team UmiZoomi are surprisingly realistic. Milli, Geo, and
Bot go to various locales. They are happy and friendly the entire game.
This is very conducive to learning. The twenty-five mini games in Team
UmiZoomi are also safe for children. They will build vehicles that will
be used, drive a car, clean up trash, and more.
Team UmiZoomi is the most verbal kids game I have ever played. That
means the directions are given verbally. There is a little hint on the
bottom left of the screen for what to do next in most situations. Some
of these include things like picking the blue striped seahorses. A deaf
child would not understand the directions. Those children that can hear
will be told when they picked the wrong color. They will also be told
what color they picked whether the answer was right or wrong.
I have played numerous kids games in my career here at Family Friendly
Gaming. Hey, what can I say - I can beat a kids game. All joking aside,
Team UmiZoomi is one of the longest kids games I have played on the hand
held in some time. Kids will enjoy replaying the mini games, and there
are two additional games included as well.
Everything in Team UmiZoomi is about learning something. Whether it is
filling shapes, finding colors, counting, or other educational
exercises. Team UmiZoomi makes learning fun for kids. This Nintendo DS
game is safe for children. The one thing parents will want to be aware
of is Team UmiZoomi needs to be spoken to at certain intervals. Do not
expect to hand this DS game off to your children and experience some
quiet time. They will be verbally interacting with Team UmiZoomi.
I appreciate 2K Play for publishing Team UmiZoomi on the Nintendo DS.
This is one of those games that helps broaden the gaming landscape. It
is a tool parents can purchase to improve skills their children will
learn later in life. It was a real pleasure for me to be able to play
and review Team UmiZoomi. I look forward to additional games in this
franchise. If not Team Umizoomi, I am sure 2K Play has their eyes set on
other franchises that are safe for children.
- Paul
Graphics: 87%
Sound: 89%
Replay/Extras: 87%
Gameplay: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 92%
System: Nintendo DS
Publisher: 2K Play
Rating: 'EC' - Early Childhood
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