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Pixel Racer





Pixel Racer 


Are you ready for some racing? Are you ready for some retro racing? If you answered yes to both of those questions then you need to seriously check out Pixel Racer. This app is on the iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad. Family Friendly Gaming was provided a download code on the iPad. I am amazed at how intense this little game is. Way more so than I was expecting.

The first thing that sticks out about Pixel Racer is the bright colors. This game is loud and proud. I like these kinds of colors, but some others here at Family Friendly Gaming said it would burn their retina. My eye sight is already bad so I am not worried. The cars are small, but that is okay with me. I felt like I was playing an old Micro Machines game.

The sounds help Pixel Racer flow along. They fit the theme of the game, and provide some excitement. Especially when you hit a boost. To be honest I actually cringed when I hit one because it made my little vehicle go faster. When precision driving is needed, speed kills. Speaking of that, expect to meet some walls while you play Pixel Racer. I did on multiple occasions.

There is one area of Pixel Racer that I am disappointed. That is the amount of levels. There are twenty four levels in Pixel Racer. This app is selling for $1.99. I could see that price for twice as many levels, or half the price. The levels are not short so that is one thing Pixel Racer has going for it. There are some vehicles to unlock for those that like to try different ones.

The controls in Pixel Racer are super simple. Are you ready for them? Touch on the left side to turn left, and touch on the right side to turn right. Nothing could be easier than that right? Well Pixel Racer has you go in various directions. A left turn while going from the bottom of the screen to the top is different than a left turn while going from the top of the screen to the bottom. This threw me for a loop the first time I ran into it. In my opinion it would have been better to touch to the right of the vehicle to go right, and to the left of the vehicle to go left. That way you would always be turning where you are touching. That is my opinion though.

The first lesson I learned from Pixel Racer is that speed kills. I had to react quickly to changes in the path. I also learned to quickly identify changes, and to respond in the appropriate fashion. I like the concept of Pixel Racer. There is some serious fun in this app for those that enjoy old school kinds of games. I hope there are sequels in the future.
- Paul 


Graphics: 87%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 74%
Gameplay: 81%
Family Friendly Factor: 78%
System: iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch
Publisher: Daily App Dream
Rating: '4+' for 4+

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