LittleBIGPlanet on the Playstation 3 is a game I purchased many months ago. I have finally gotten around to playing, and reviewing it. I can see why the majority of the industry has embraced this game. The level of creativity and interactivity is extremely high in LittleBIGPlanet. This goes from changing your character to the gaming environment. Unfortunately I did run across an issue or two with this PS3 game.
The artistic style of LittleBIGPlanet can seem a little bland at first. Then I realized it was up to me to decorate the levels. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Certain areas have a time limit, so I could not dwell on decorating. The images are almost always family friendly. Many of the characters in LittleBIGPlanet are odd looking. Actually the entire universe of LittleBIGPlanet has a distinct look and feel to it. LittleBIGPlanet includes some cartoon violence.
The music in LittleBIGPlanet is entertaining, and the storyline follows the graphics in being unique. I have to admit there was a lot of the dialogue that made little to no sense to me personally. That is okay because it helped the game flow along. The open nature of LittleBIGPlanet is very appealing.
There are very few limits to LittleBIGPlanet. This Playstation 3 game allows us to create our own levels, and share them with others. There are enough included levels to keep most gamers busy for weeks. Get into the creativity portion of LittleBIGPlanet, and you will be busy for months. The most interesting aspect is checking out what others have created. There are some amazing levels out there. It is great to see the ideas that others have come up with, and then getting to play those levels.
Sackboys movements felt a little off to me. I was able to adapt to everything but one thing. The latching on to something to swing. This became an issue when swinging from thing to thing. I found my character would sometimes change from the one I was on back to the previous one. This lead to a frustration factor. I also had issues detaching from one item trying to jump to a ledge. At times it lead to a death. Get enough of those and it lower the game play experience for me.
Sony is going
the right direction with allowing users to create their own content.
LittleBIGPlanet is one of the first games they did this with. I am so
glad they have continued the concept in future games. And
LittleBIGPlanet is receiving a sequel, which is something that I would
be asking for. It was a real pleasure for me to play and review this
Playstation 3.
Graphics: 87%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 100%
Gameplay: 79%
Family Friendly Factor: 86%
System: Playstation 3
Publisher: Sony
Rating: 'E' - Everyone
{Comic Mischief}
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