Little Lost Chick HD
Little Lost Chick HD is a physics puzzle game on the iPhone, iPod
Touch, and iPad. Family Friendly Gaming was provided the universal build
so we could see this game on all of those platforms. There are one
hundred levels in five different worlds. The five different worlds are
Yard Fun, Jungle Escape, Surprise Sport, Glacier Rescue, and Beach
Adventure. Little Lost Chick HD also says there will be new levels
coming soon.
Little Lost Chick HD exudes cuteness. The animation, characters, and
environments are all very family friendly. Players must guide the little
birdie to his nest. Along the way collect the golden eggs. I did not see
the golden goose anywhere in this game so I am not sure where those eggs
came from. The little birdie rolls around. The further the family member
progresses the more difficult the levels become. But we also get more
things to work with.
Some games are fun and fresh in their sounds and music. Little Lost
Chick HD leaves those games in the dust. I am not the kind of a person
who gives out a perfect one hundred in very many sections very often.
The bird sounds in Little Lost Chick HD are perfectly placed. The music
is exceptional, and the special effect sounds are enlightening. I really
love how Little Lost Chick HD sounds. The musicians associated with this
game are very talented.
Each of the one hundred levels in Little Lost Chick HD contain three
golden eggs. These are used to unlock the various worlds. I would replay
some levels just to complete them, and others to get all of the eggs. It
is my opinion that Little Lost Chick HD is worth the price of admission.
This app will have you thinking about how to solve these puzzles. It is
a great feeling getting that birdie into his nest.
Some aspects of Little Lost Chick HD are physics, and others are timing.
The timing ones can be difficult to explain or teach. For me it was a
feeling. I just knew when the right time was to cut that rope he was
swinging on. Or I could eyeball where to launch him from the slingshot.
Although the slingshot does have a little guide to show where you will
be going. That guide only shows so far though.
The biggest lesson in Little Lost Chick HD is to plan out how your
actions out. I started every single level with a plan. Little Lost Chick
HD is kind enough to let family members take as much time as they need
to come up with a plan. I found that some of my plans were not always
the best. I learned from my mistakes and approached the problem from
another angle.
Little Lost Chick HD is a high quality app that I hope to see sequels to
in the near future. It was a real pleasure for me to be able to play and
review Little Lost Chick HD on the iPhone/iPod Touch, and iPad.
- Mark
Graphics: 90%
Sound: 100%
Replay/Extras: 87%
Gameplay: 88%
Family Friendly Factor: 86%
System: iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Rating: ‘4+’ - 4+
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