Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
In an epic battle of good versus evil, EA brings the story of Harry Potter’s journey to an end in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 for the Wii. Unfortunately, this game does not live up to the epic standard established by the book and movie of the same name. As with most movie tie-in games, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 seems rushed. Also, I was surprised to see the game is basically a third person shooter. Seeing the Potter franchise is known for story telling, it was disappointing to see the final chapter of the saga watered down to a simple point and shoot game.
In story mode play as Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Seamus, Neville, Molly Weasley and Professor McGonagall as they each play their part in the defense of Hogwarts and the destruction of Voldemort. Use your wand to shoot spells at your enemies in order to defeat them. The gameplay is pretty much that straight forward – point and shoot. The game becomes very repetitive and grows tiresome rather quickly. It would have been nice to see move of a variety in gameplay. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is also a very short game, with story mode taking no more than 3 to 4 hours to complete.
Playing in the story mode you will have the ability to switch between and use various spells, just as you would in any other third person shooter. Using the A button will also give you the ability to find cover behind various rocks and others objects. Maneuvering the objects may take a little bit to get used to due to the control mechanism, but are not too difficult to learn. In addition to story mode is a challenge mode, but the repetitiveness of the gameplay there is little challenge and even less of a reason to return for the challenges.
The graphics are well done for the most part and nicely represent the environments you would expect to find in the Potter world. Cut scenes were better than expected for the Wii. Sound effects and background music also assisted in setting the appropriate atmosphere - one that is obviously set in magic and wizardry. Parents will need to keep that in mind when considering this title for their children, as the gamer is constantly casting spells to defeat enemies and contains beings that can look scary.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -
Part 2 does not meet expectations – even for a move-based game.
Hopefully EA can find a way to change this pattern in future movie-based
- Alan
Graphics: 57%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 55%
Gameplay: 63%
Family Friendly Factor: 53%
System: Wii
Publisher: EA
Rating: 'T' for Teen
{Fantasy Violence}
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