Cyberbike Magnetic Edition
I saw the Cyberbike Magnetic Edition at E3
in the year of our Lord 2011 briefly. And I do mean briefly. I was
impressed by what I saw though. Then comes the email that our reviewable
unit is on the way. My eyes got pretty big when I heard that. My eyes
got bigger when I saw the box. The Cyberbike Magnetic Edition includes a
complete exercise bike that plugs into the Wii, and has a game. The cool
thing is families can use the Cyberbike Magnetic Edition with or without
the home console.
The graphics in Cyberbike Magnetic Edition are safe for the entire
family. There are various locales that family members can go to. Things
like a flying machine, or a submarine are some of the most extreme. The
in game characters look a little bit better than Miis. I noticed that
many of the areas recycle the graphics, which is fitting since some of
the levels are about recycling. Yes you heard me correct - recycling.
Bicycling and recycling may seem like an odd combination.
The music in Cyberbike Magnetic Edition is okay. I enjoyed some of the
sounds and was not pleased with others. Missing the same turn over and
over again on the mine track repeated certain sounds I did not like.
They were there to notify me of my mistake. I completely comprehend that
I am human, and prone to errors. I did not need Cyberbike Magnetic
Edition to remind me of that over and over again. Collecting items in
recycling levels brought a pleasant sound. Not sure where my guy put all
that trash though.
Cyberbike Magnetic Edition is one of those games that tries to provide
something for everyone. The coolest thing is the exercise. I love it
when a game gets me to burn calories while enjoying the game. Up to four
family members can enjoy Cyberbike Magnetic Edition which is really
cool. We know how to share at Family Friendly Gaming, and everyone has
been taking turns. This game sells for two hundred dollars which
initially seems steep. But I did some research and found it is right in
there with other exercise bikes. Plus you get a Wii game.
When we opened the box, we learned that we had to put the Cyberbike
Magnetic Edition together. Silly me, thinking it was already put
together. It took a couple of us multiple tries to figure out certain
aspects of the assembly of the Cyberbike Magnetic Edition. So we got it
put together, and started playing with it. But the controller was not
working. I was not a happy camper. So I read the directions. I know men
everywhere are in shock, but I use all tools available to me. There is a
switch I had to use to turn the controller on. Then I had to reset the
At this point the Cyberbike Magnetic Edition worked marvelously. Well my
behind was not happy after thirty minutes of using it. I adjusted the
seat, and things improved. In fact we found everyone who had a problem
with the seat just had to make an adjustment to make it more
comfortable. The collecting garbage level got a real laugh here, but the
majority of the rest are very creative and enjoyable.
Cyberbike Magnetic Edition teaches families that exercise can be fun,
and easy at the same time. I get so frustrated when some people refuse
to get some exercise. There are so many simple ways to get a sweat. It
is not uncomfortable to live a healthy life. It is more uncomfortable to
be over weight. Cyberbike Magnetic Edition is a tool families can use to
exercise inside when the weather is bad. Plus I can see this game
encouraging families to get out there riding a bike. I would have liked
this game to be more like Walk It Out, but that is just my opinion.
- Paul
Graphics: 80%
Sound: 79%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 86%
Family Friendly Factor: 87%
System: Wii
Publisher: Big Ben Interactive/Agetec
Rating: 'E' for
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