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Carnival Island





Carnival Island 


Carnival Island is a Playstation 3 (PS3) Move title from Sony Computer Entertainment. This home console game takes place on a magical carnival island. The anime that is used between scenes is fantastic. Four family members can enjoy the thirty-five games and attractions in Carnival Island. There are nine challenges per mini game. Complete two of them to unlock the next mini game.

Carnival Island generally has a safe look for families. There are a few minor things here and there that earned this title the Comic Mischief. Children should be fine playing Carnival Island in this reviewers opinion. The characters including the Panda Bear are very friendly. Completing the first challenge in a mini game will unlock an animal - who cheers for you.

The music in Carnival Island is soothing, relaxing, and fun all at the same time. The character's voices are distinctive. Each voice fits the character to a T. Fireworks and celebration sounds are found when the player completes a challenge. Pressing the triangle button during a mini game will show all of the challenges.

The thirty-five number in regards to the mini games can be a bit misleading. There are multiple kinds of ring toss games, and multiple kinds of mini bowling games. Some may leave Carnival Island a little disappointed in that regard. They are each different enough to warrant diverse strategies. The challenges are also going to be slightly different.

Earning all of those challenges in Carnival Island can be difficult. Do not expect to do that in a weekend. The Move controls work properly. Once the family member learns how to do a game, they will excel quickly. Learning the ring toss was difficult at first. But once this reviewer figured out what to do, those challenges were being attained quickly.

Carnival Island teaches a few lessons. First off, go out there and have fun. Secondly pay attention to what you are doing. Third, restore carnivals back to their former glory. Carnival Island is one of those games that families can enjoy together. Especially if your family has not played any other carnival based games on other platforms.
- Working Man Gamer


Graphics: 86%
Sound: 91%
Replay/Extras: 84%
Gameplay: 89%
Family Friendly Factor: 86%
System: Playstation 3
Publisher: Sony
ating: ‘E’ - Everyone
{Comic Mischief}

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